Thursday, 10 November 2011

We are six European schools that will work together on a Comenius Multilateral school partnerships from 2011 to 2013.
-          Agrupamento de Escolas de Arrifana – Escola Básica de Arrifana – Portugal
-          Colegiul Tehnic Anghel Saligny Bacau – Romania
-          Habibler İlköğretim Okulu – Turkey
-          Osnovna Šola Antona Žniderišča - Slovenia
-          13o Gymnasio Patras – Greece
-          Szegedi Ipar, Szolgáltató Szakképző És Átlános Iskola - Hungary
The name of our project is Customs, culture and good practices and we intend to pursue aims such as the development of knowledge among young people and educational staff about the diversity of European cultures and its value. We intend to learn the languages of partner countries, to improve english as working language, and develop issues like songs, dances, customs (festivities) and traditions in an interesting approach (ITC). We want to know more and give the opportunity to young people to acquire the basic life-skills and competences necessary to their personal development. Through this project students will become in contact with different countries, cultures and ways of life. They will realise that despite the differences, all European citizens are similar.
In other way, we want to promote to teachers, educational managers (headteachers) and educational administration (education ministery and municipality) three seminars concerning Good Practices in School Management and pedagogical issues concerning Children With Disability and to promote the dissemination of information about National Educational Systems of each country. We will have, as local partners, the Council Authorities and Ministery of Education. All the stages of the project will take place at the same time in the partner countries and there will be project meetings in each partner’s country to present all the works (Touristic Guide, National Language Lessons, songs, folk dances, play, edictionary). Students will get together and present songs, dances, play sports and the play. The project will be monitorized along the two years and the results will be disseminated.